CentOS 7
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Install Cockpit
Install Cockpit to manage system via Web browser.
[1] Install Cockpit.
[root@dlp ~]#
yum -y install cockpit
[root@dlp ~]#
systemctl start cockpit

[root@dlp ~]#
systemctl enable cockpit.socket

[2] Access to "https://(server's hostname or IP address):9090/" with Web browser from a Client compuer, then Cockpit login form is displayed. Login with a user. This example shows with root user like follows.
[3] This is Cockpit main page. It's possible to manage system on here.
[4] For "Services" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate system services.
[5] For "Containers" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate Docker containers.
[6] For "Journal" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate system logs.
[7] For "Networking" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate Networking.
[8] For "Storage" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate Storages.
[9] For "Administrator Accounts" on the left menu, it's possible to manage or opereate system accounts.
[10] For "Terminal" on the left menu, it's possible to opereate system with commands directly.